About Our Program

Fostering energy innovation 

Four national labs and three technology incubators have launched C2C as a public-private program to accelerate equitable energy innovation and entrepreneurship and speed the commercialization of groundbreaking energy technologies for the world. C2C is funded by DOE’s Technology Commercialization Fund administered by the Office of Technology Transitions.

C2C has identified the ~100 most critical intellectual properties from national labs with credible demand through market and societal demand assessments, accounting for total addressable markets and component and systems levels of technology.

C2C is driving a steady energy tech pipeline with pathways to at-scale commercialization within 3-5 years, opportunistically selecting major wins with a longer-term horizon.

C2C leverages partnerships with top incubators across the country to convert science into on-the-ground products with high, measurable, rapid impact.

Learn more about the Cradle to Commerce team on our Management Office, Domain Experts, and Incubator Partner Organizations pages.

Who We Support

Inventors from National Labs

by providing coaching for pitch skills, mentoring for business models, and access to pilots, prototyping, and investments to advance their pre-commercial IP toward commercialization 

Academics & Small Businesses

by helping them hybridize their technology with complementary lab IP and providing access to myriad test beds, prototyping spaces, and scientist-mentors

Diverse Entrepreneurs

by giving them ideas or providing access to intellectual property for scientifically-vetted climate technology that they can advance to market impact

To view application eligibility, visit our Application Eligibility page.